Monday, 21 September 2015

Film Production

Development - This is simply the process of 'finding' a story. Ideas for films come from a variety of sources, they can range from novels, real life events to computer game adaptations. Once you've got an idea you'll need someone to write a pitch for you which you take to a film producer in an attempt to get some funding to make your film. Even at this very early stage you need a very clear idea of who you're aiming you film at so you can include elements that will appeal to them.
Pre-production - Once you've got funding you establish your budget and can begin to get a film crew together, you can storyboard the script. You also need break the script down into individual scenes and identify all the locations, props, cast members, costumes, special effects and visual effects needed.
Production - This is simply the process of 'making' the film. Provided you've done your job properly in the pre-production stage making the film should be straight forward. 'Film' is very expensive and difficult to store so an increasing number of film makers are using digital cameras to save money.
Post-production - During this stage you take all the 'film' you've shot and give it to a film editor. They will then begin putting it together. Special effects will be added, a soundtrack will be added, any missing dialogue will be re-recorded and added resulting in a 'rough cut'. This will be shown to the director and a test audience who will offer feedback. Often this causes scenes to be filmed and added or removed.

The following roles in producing a film entail:
Screenwriter: Screenwriters create screenplays for films. They provide the blueprint for other roles within production. Their job involves making sure they include enticing characters , an exciting plot, and a great idea for a marketable film. The film also needs to fit the basic principles of dramatic construction. Screenwriters produce creative writing and ensure they meet strict deadlines. Screenwriter are almost freelancers, they pitch their ideas to producers in order to sell them. 
Image: William Goldman

Producers have control on every aspects of a films production. Their key responsibility is to create a positive environment where the cast and crew can work effectively. Producers are responsible for the success of the film. In the development stage, producers are often in charge of coming up with the idea for a production, or selecting a screenplay. The rights are secured by the producer, who also raise the development financing and supervise the development process. Producers approve locations, studio hire, budget, production schedule and the final shooting script. Producers are in constant communication with the director and other key roles on and off set. The producer will deal with the finance and distribution companies to plan the marketing and distribution of the finished film. Image: Producer Megan Ellison
Casting Director
A casting director works with the director and producer to gather together the most suited cast for the film. They are responsible for matching the ideal actor to each role based of a number of factors they need to think about before they decide. this job also includes working closely with production accountants to prepare the casting budget. Casting directors conduct interviews and auditions, they also decide the fee for the actor to appear in a film. This ones with drawing up a contract of terms and conditions and negotiating with agents.
Image: Mark Summers

Directors are responsible for translating the films written script into creative actual images and sounds on screen. They are liable for a films artistic and commercial success or failure. Directors may write the script and develop a vision for the finished film and know how to achieve this. Directors have the job of making crucial decisions e.g cast, crew and locations for the film. Technical aspects of the film are managed by the director including lighting, sound and special effects. directors work closely with editors to reach a final cut or version of the film.
Image: Steven Spielberg
Film Finance
Financial Controller: A financial controller works in the accounts. It is a very challenging role as they are responsible for controlling the accounting, taxation and financial analysis for all the work a company does. Financial controllers help producers and executive producers to prepare budgets and raise finance. The job involves tasks such as controlling cash flow and setting up and managing the accounts team.
Example: John Trehy for 'Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone'.
Camera Operator
A camera operator carries out the director of photography ad directors instructions for shot composition and development. They assess all elements of performance: art direction, lighting, composition and camera movement.  Operators are responsible for all aspects of camera operation enabling the director of production to focus on lighting and overall visual style. They supervise the logistics of moving the camera and oversee camera maintenance work. Most work on commercials, promos and television drama. The work is physically demanding and requires strength and stamina.
Example: Trevor Coop for 'Out of Darkness'.
A film editor works closely with the director. Making sure shots flow smoothly from beginning to end, each shot is carefully chosen and edited into series of scenes. Editors often work in television drama, as well as on feature films. They check technical standards, the story and the actors performances. Editors select the best takes and edit them together to create scenes. Editors work closely with the director to produce the directors cut, which then needs to be approved by the producers.
Example: Kevin Stitt editor of 'Jurassic World'.
Production Designer
Major heads of department on film crews and are responsible for the entire art department. They may be asked to look at scripts yo provide spending estimates before a director is even approached. The assess visual qualities that will help crete atmosphere and bring the story to life. They discuss how best to shoot the film to work best with the surroundings with the director. Production directors consider whether there are design elements that may give more depth to the film. They calculate budgets and decide how the money will be spent. Production designers produce design sketches and deliver them to art directors who oversee production. Part of the job is managing lots of people, prioritising the work schedule and carefully monitor the budget. They check the construction and dressing of sets. They may have to prepare detailed drawings and specifications in order to pitch for work on a number of productions before being offered work on one of them.
Example: Stuart Craig for 'Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows-Part Two'.
Marketing and publicity manager: The main responsibility within this role is to convince the public t watch this movie. They identify the target audience and potential revenue, the marketing campaign should reach target audiences and potential revenue, the marketing campaign should reach target audiences before and during film releases. The role might involve the implementation of a campaign created by a studio and/or the filmmakers. These must be re-tailored for different territories according to cultural differences.
Distributors: the role of a distributor involves competing for the rights to release a film, whether for cinema, terrestrial television, satellite, the DVD/Blu-ray/VOD market. Distributors must create an entirely new film release plan for each project that will maximise the unique selling points. Distributors oversee the accountancy procedures for their films, provide studios or producers with reports covering marketing plans, expenditure evaluations forecasts and revenue breakdowns.

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