Friday, 16 October 2015

Camera Shots, Angles and Movement

Camera Shots
The Vampire Diaries-Caroline and Klaus Scenes
Over The Shoulder Shot
Over the shoulder shots are used(0:36-0:48) to highlight the stream of conversation and make the audience feel connected. The behind the shoulder shot creates intimacy between the characters and the audience.

Establishing Shot
At 2:11 an establishing shot is used to portray the context of the scene and reveal important characters and objects. It establishes the time and location of the scene.

Close Up Shot

This set of close ups(4:33-4:57) create atmosphere and emphasises the mood of the characters. The close up exposes the emotions of the characters and makes the audience feel closer to them.

High Angle Shot
This shot can make the subject seem vulnerable or powerless, this can be used in assistance with the male gaze as a woman could be looked down on to give the male a feeling of power over her. This shot can also be used to emphasise the level of elevation between one character and another.
Low Angle Shot
This shot is often used to connote power with the character in the shot. It develops fear in the audience as this shot makes them feel vulnerable.

Point of View Shot
This shot is a way to put the audience into the shoes of the character. It can make the audience trust the character and connect with them emphasising feelings and creating a more dynamic experience.
Extreme Close up
An extreme close-up is when what is being viewed is very large, usually this is a part of someone’s face.
Camera Movement

Tracking Shot
This shot allows the audience to feel involved in the movie. Its away of maintaining movement in the movie and is used often to follow a character.

Tilt Shot
The tilt shot moves vertically, it is often used to show the significance of something e.g the height of a building.

This shot does not require the camera itself to move at all. Zooming means altering the focal length of the lens to give the illusion of moving closer to or further away from the action.

Arc Shot
This shot is similar to the tracking shot, but it moves around the subject therefore it can emphasise a characters body language or anything significant.

Crane Shot
A crane shot is achieved by mounting a camera on some type of crane device. This allows the director to achieve any shot he wants without too much struggle.

Pan Shot
A pan shot is a camera movement which follows the action, or reveals previously unframed space, as it moves horizontally. Pans occur in varying speeds for dramatic purposes.

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