Monday, 9 November 2015

Representation of disability

This clip portrays a stereotypical representation of disability and how others behave towards it.

Camera Shots, Angles, Movement and Composition

  • The opening shot of the clip initially doesn't reveal the fairly shocking disability of the main character it first focuses on capturing his peers reaction by using a close up shot. This highlights the unease with disability in society therefore the clip conforms to stereotypical connotations of disability.  
  • Within the clip there is frequent use of close up shots on random passing member of the public to emphasise the open reaction people have towards disability. This particular disability is quite shocking and uneasy on the eye therefore the close up shots pick up on people arounds reactions and therefore encourages the reader to feel sympathy for the character with a disability.
  • Also, there is a long shot of workers while a mid shot of the main disabled character to emphasise the normality of the workers and how they are able to get on with work without too much concern where as the main character is struggling to find work and therefore is alienated from society.
  • To portray the repeated detachment of disability in society the clip uses an establishing shot to fully reveal the reaction of a woman towards the man's disability, it shows that it is something that is pitied but also not yet been fully accepted and normalised.
  • A side profile shot is used in the clip which fails to conform to the stereotypical representation of disability because it hides his disability therefore creates the image of a 'normal' person.
  • There is an extreme close up used when he character is revealing his anger therefore this highlights the stereotype that disabled people are their own worst enemy.
  •  A shot-reverse-shot is used to illustrate the flow of conversation between two characters this could portray what their relationship is like and exaggerate emotions.
  • There are sharp 'cuts' to maintain continuity as the disabled character walks down the street and there are abrupt shots of other people reacting to his disability. 
  • As Nick walks down the street there is fast paced editing, going from a shot of him to others around him and back. This emphasises the emotions he feels and connotes anger.
  • The opening shot contains non-diegetic sound to create the assumption of work on a building site.
  • Footsteps are used as a sound bridge to express the continuity of the scene where Nick is speaking with the Sargent. The footsteps are also an example of direct sound, this creates normality in the  scene therefore builds upon the idea of alienation and the difficulty of fitting in for a disabled person.
  • As Nick walks in a crowded area there is fast paced music, the drums establish the characters emotions as quite angry and it builds excitement within the scene.
Mise en Scene
  • When the disabled character is speaking to the Sargent there is a room full of people, they are silent which suggests they are listening to Nick. This depiction reflects the stereotype that disability is an object of curiosity.
  • In the scene where Nick is walking down a crowded street we can see that he is dressed in no way that makes him stand out among the others but his disability doesn't allow him to blend in.
  • A long shot reveals a fairly empty of people street apart from a woman and her two children, the scream she lets out when she sees the scaring on his face reflects the representation that a male with a disability is non-sexual.

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